Good afternoon everyone,

We know the net few weeks are going to bring many questions. Information is going to continue to be provided over the coming weeks and months. We are reminding you to attend our Thursday sessions and check out the website under Conferences and Seminars and the Resource Library for our Thursday Discussion Group updates as well as our Q&A document under the resource tab.


Mandatory Roles and Responsibilities training for Municipal and Detachment Boards is now available. The contacts for your boards should receive the form to fill out with each board member’s contact information including email. Each of you will be sent an individual login to complete the training. The training should take approximately 1.5 to 2 hours to complete.

I have been advised that there is currently an issue with the issuing of certificates. OPC is working on it and will advise as soon as they are available. Until the issue is rectified, please screenshot proof of the completion of your training for your records.

Below is contact information if you are experiencing difficulties accessing the course content. Please ensure that your internet is working before contacting IT for support.

Contact for IT support.

Important Links:

Below are links to both the LECA and the Inspectorate of Policing’s websites for your awareness and use. These will also be posted on our website under Quick Links.

Director Stephen Leach from LECA provided the below communication for your reference. It provides the links to the LECA Notification Portal and companion documentation to support you in your responsibilities.

If you have any questions or need assistance regarding the information provided below, please contact

Notifications to the Law Enforcement Complaints Agency (LECA):

With the Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019 being proclaimed on April 01, 2024, I want to share the below information pertaining to notifications.

Section 197(2) of the CSPA requires that a Board notify the Complaints Director if they become aware of allegations that their chief of police or deputy chief of police may have engaged in misconduct that involves, impacts, or relates to a member or members of the public.

In providing notification to LECA, Police Service Boards shall comply with LECA’s rules and procedures and the notification guideline (available April 1, 2024). Here is the notification portal link, which should be provided to each Board’s designate.